T.A.S Japan is not just an accessory label, they really a jack of all trades. Their leather work is truly second to none and when it comes to their offering, it will be hear work to find something they don't have.
We first heard about T.A.S Japan when they collaborated with one of our favourite brands Leon Louis on a fragrance and then got to see their work in Paris. Their work is mainly leather and almost entirely accessories, you have your pick in options of things you didn't even know you needed.
Their bags are absolutely stunning. They are made from the most luxurious leather and their design is surprisingly functional. Among them is a 3-way tote bag that can be folded into different shapes depending on your mood and needs. There are also some smaller bags which are inspired by human organs, and that surprisingly isn't creepy at all.
The collection includes a gammot of accessories, from belts and boots to earrings and bracelets. T.A.S Japan also has accessories for your home, including alchemically bonded leather bowls and candle holders to candles themselves and home fragrance.
Some of our favourite pieces have absolutely no use at all beside decoration, such as the broken plates and bowls bonded in leather. The leather frames are especially stunning. In their comments on the current unrest in the world, you can even get yourself a leather bonded riot shield.
Have a look below at just SOME of the latest collection by T.A.S Japan.